Easy-to-Apply Tips to Stop Procrastination

We all have procrastinated at some point in our lives. From our personal lives to the workplace, we all have had opportunities to indulge in behavior that results in putting off a task for later. While some of us are able to hold off the temptation to procrastinate, many people succumb to its grasp. Often, it can leave our lives in shambles and ruin the opportunity itself that we had wanted to pursue in the first place.

When we procrastinate, we are essentially delaying an activity until a later time when it is more convenient. However, frequently, things that are put off often remain in the back of our minds for extended periods of time.

Since procrastination has been corroborated with negative consequences, including reduced physical and psychological well-being, reduced health-enhancing behavior, poor academic performance, and strained interpersonal relationships,” psychologists have been trying to understand the reasoning behind it.

To stop procrastinating, resulting in you finding the motivation and drive to perform your tasks and achieve your goals, here are some easy-to-apply tips:

Make a to-do list

A prominent and popular productivity tip among professionals is the use of a to-do list. By listing all the tasks you need to complete for a certain period of time — a day, week, month, or any applicable time period — or a project, you become organized and efficient in handling your tasks.

When you make a to-do list, ensure that it is straightforward and simple. Divide larger tasks into manageable parts with a specific schedule and deadline for each subtask. Also, as you write down tasks on your list, be sure to order them in terms of their priorities and level of importance; write the most important items first. Whether for your professional or personal life, a to-do list can help you prioritize and manage tasks without forgetting any of them that need attention.

Set deadlines

Setting deadlines can help reduce stress and give you a clear idea of how much time you need to allocate for a task. Without deadlines, you are more likely to wait until the last minute to complete an assignment — usually when stress kicks in.

The key is not setting impossible goals, but goals that take into account your other obligations, including obligations at home and at work. You may also consider your hobbies, interests, and free time.

When setting deadlines, make sure that they are achievable, realistic, and not forced. If your tasks are large-scale and require you to divide them into smaller ones to come up with realistic deadlines, create manageable subtasks and determine their respective deadlines.

Use technology

Technology fast-tracks almost all of our daily activities; technology helps us become more productive and efficient.

For example, professionals no longer have to print, then fax or send via postal service contracts or any documents that are for signing.  With the use of technology, they can use an e-signature application that allows users to collect electronic signatures no matter their location. Another example is when you have a task that requires you to write a letter. Instead of spending hours trying to create the perfect message through multiple drafts, sending each one to your bosses, colleagues, or the people you trust for revisions or corrections of errors, you can use a word processing application with spelling and grammar checkers. Using technology also means using gadgets that allow you to work on your tasks faster.

Technology enables you to stay on top of your tasks so you do not procrastinate.

Be solution-oriented

To be a goal-oriented individual, you need to set specific goals and determine the steps required to achieve them. However, when you procrastinate, it means that you are not working towards achieving your goals; you are stalling or delaying the steps needed to reach them.

A way to combat procrastination is to think about the solutions that would allow you to work your way towards and attain your goals. You need to determine how you will be able to complete your tasks. When confronted with a challenge, ask yourself, “how can I overcome this problem?” Think about the potential consequences when you do not overcome the problems or tasks at hand. How will procrastinating on your tasks affect your personal or professional life?

Devise solutions and steps that would help you accommodate and complete all your tasks. Moreover, focus on finishing your tasks one by one so you do not become overwhelmed and stressed out.

Take breaks

As you work on your tasks, do not forget to take breaks in between. Taking breaks allows you to refresh and recharge yourself. Breaks allow you to refocus and shift your attention from one task to another. Furthermore, breaks let you reflect on what has been done so far and accordingly decide how much more is left before the project you are working on is completed.

Take breaks to prevent making careless errors and see situations with a clear vision.

Track your time

To get a clear picture of how much time you have spent on specific tasks during the day, week, or any specific time period, it is important that you track your time. Tracking your time can aid you in setting deadlines moving forward, particularly when you encounter similar tasks; it allows for more accurate planning in terms of the amount of time needed to complete certain tasks within an allotted period or deadline.

Moreover, tracking your time helps in determining whether or not you are meeting your deadlines and checking if your deadlines are realistic based on the actual amount of time given for each task.

Strengthen your focus

Distractions surround us. When faced with multiple distractions, including e-mails, text messages, and social media, our attention weakens. Not to mention the difficulty of getting our focus back. 

Designating specific time periods for other activities so you do not get distracted from your tasks is a smart solution and result in the strengthening of your focus. By eliminating distractions while working, you develop being more attentive. Moreover, it is equally important to create a working environment that is not only free from distractions but also conducive to productivity. Consider building a workspace where you will not be bothered by foot traffic or loud, distracting noises.

By following those tips, you can become more productive and conquer your procrastination.

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