E-Signature Disclosure and Consent

Please read SignedTrue’s E-Signature Disclosure and Consent carefully. By proceeding and using SignedTrue’s electronic signature, you agree with all the terms stated in this document.


The federal E-SIGN Act, Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, requires us to provide you with a copy of your e-signed document in electronic form. Moreover, by e-signing, you consent to transact electronically. Any records associated with your e-signing will be kept in our secure database as part of the requirements of the E-SIGN Act.

Consent to Use Electronic Signatures

By signing this document, you agree to use your electronic signature and to receive electronic delivery of the document you signed once all the signatories have signed. You agree that your electronic signature is legally binding, similar to a wet-ink signature on a paper document. You also agree to receive electronic documents associated with your transaction, if any. If you do not agree to any of the conditions mentioned, you may not proceed with e-signing the document.

Scope of Consent

E-signing documents using SignedTrue means you consent to use your electronic signature and to receive electronic documents related to your transaction. Nevertheless, consenting to using your e-signature and receiving electronic documents do not automatically enroll you in any of SignedTrue’s programs. You may sign up to SignedTrue to use its features.

Method of E-Signing and Viewing Documents

The e-signing and viewing of documents are all on SignedTrue. Nevertheless, once you have e-signed the document, you have the option to:

  • Print paper copies; and
  • Download and save electronic copies to your device.

You will receive a notice to your email address details about your e-signature transaction, including when you have successfully signed the document and when all signatories have signed the document.

Receiving Paper Copies

Transactions made on SignedTrue are electronic, which means no paper copies are involved. If you want to have paper copies of the document you signed, you may download it to your device and print it.

Right to Withdraw Consent

At any time, you can withdraw your consent without conditions, consequences, or fees.

You may contact us at and provide us with your details such as your name, mailing address, and the description of the document from which you are withdrawing your consent.

Software and Hardware Requirements

To use SignedTrue’s electronic signature and to receive and save the document to your device to be able to print it, you must have the following:

To e-sign:

  • A device — computer, mobile device, or any applicable electronic device
  • Internet access
  • An active email address

To save:

  • A device — computer, mobile device, or any applicable electronic device capable of taking a screenshot
  • Internet access
  • An application that reads and displays PDF documents, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader

To print:

  • A device — computer, mobile device, or any applicable electronic device
  • Internet access
  • An application that reads and displays PDF documents, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader
    A printer to print paper copies

Changes to SignedTrue’s E-Signature Disclosure and Consent

Any changes to SignedTrue’s E-Signature Disclosure and Consent will be shown in this document. By continuing to use SignedTrue’s electronic signature and other tools associated with its e-signature feature, you agree to any modifications to its e-signature disclosure. Review the terms carefully before proceeding.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy

You accept that e-signing the document and using SignedTrue or any tools associated with it mean accepting its terms and conditions and agreeing to the terms found in its privacy policy. You may review SignedTrue’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy here: