21 Ways to Get More Things Done

While we have our different, unique methods to get more things done, there are a few reliable ways that work for nearly all of us.

1. Set deadlines for each task. Give yourself a deadline to accomplish certain tasks throughout your day. This strategy motivates and forces you to complete a task within its due timeframe. Let small tasks like returning e-mails slip through the cracks since they don’t need immediate attention.

2. Create a master to-do list. Organize the tasks that you need to accomplish into categories, then prioritize each item on your list according to how important or time-sensitive it is. The next step is to create sub-tasks for each project and assign deadlines to complete them.

3. Plan your tasks ahead. Before starting a project, take some time to prepare. Make a list of all the steps you need to complete and put them in the best order, gather your supplies ahead of time, read through related materials or research, learn about new tools that can help you finish the project more effectively.

4. Follow the “two-minute” rule. If a task takes two minutes or less to complete it should be done right away instead of being added to a list. In addition, all tasks that take less than five minutes in one sitting can be combined and completed at once.

5. Track the time you spend on tasks. Keep track of the time you spend on each task throughout your day to help you recognize how much time is spent on certain things. The tracking can also show you if some tasks are taking more time than they should.

6. Set small goals. Setting small goals can be a great way to motivate yourself to complete your tasks and move on to the next one. It also prevents you from becoming overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done and helps keep you focused.

7. Work in chunks of time. This method is an alternative way to complete tasks to avoid the monotony that may result in a lack of interest to finish a task. Rather than trying to complete an entire task in one sitting, work on different parts of it in short periods of time throughout the day. For example, instead of trying to complete a one-hour task in one hour, break it up into several sessions and spread them out throughout the day.

8. Be on time. When you are working on a project, keep regular check-ins for tasks that need to be done at specific times. This approach can help you establish a productivity pattern that will lead to more success in completing mandatory tasks.

9. Have work discipline to avoid interruptions. Interruptions can cost you a lot of time and prevent you from meeting all your deadlines. It takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to return to a task after an interruption. To avoid interruptions while working on something difficult, practice mindful working and remove any sources of distractions.

10. Handle the most demanding and bigger tasks when you are most alert. Avoid doing complex tasks when you are not fully motivated or active. Schedule your day to complete them when your energy is high so you can get them done more quickly and easily.

11. Use digital tools. Find free or inexpensive tools that help you get organized and complete tasks efficiently. From document management tools and project planners to to-do list apps and grammar-checking tools, there are many options to help you manage your time, get work done faster, and meet all your deadlines throughout the day.

12. Use a timer. When you need to complete a certain number of tasks within a set amount of time, use a timer. Doing so can help you work more efficiently, avoid procrastination, and help you meet deadlines.

13. Do not multitask. Some research suggests that multitasking does not always save time and can even lead to mistakes when completing tasks. Do one thing at a time and give it your undivided attention.

14. Put your phone away from you. Putting your phone away while you are working can help prevent distractions and keep you focused. When you need to take a break, set up specific times in advance to check your messages instead of checking them throughout the day. You may also opt to put your phone on do-not-disturb mode.

15. Take short breaks. Breaks are important and can help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle your next task. Taking a 15-minute coffee break after an hour of work, for example, will improve your health and productivity.

16. Organize your workspace. Organizing your workspace can help you work more efficiently and avoid distractions. Make sure all the supplies and tools you need for each task are in place and that nothing is in your way when it’s time to get started on a project.

17. Take care of yourself. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and staying hydrated can help you feel well-rested and ready to focus when it’s time to work. When you are healthy you can handle your tasks better.

18. Learn to delegate tasks. When you are working on a project, figure out which tasks you can delegate to someone else. This might include tasks that are not essential or that someone else can do just as well. Delegating allows you to focus on your highest priorities and have more time for yourself or other important activities.

19. Do not skip long breaks. Skipping breaks, especially longer ones — lunch, can cause you to feel more tired and overwhelmed. Take your lunch. Go for a walk. Use your long break to refresh your mind.

20. Be realistic about your tasks. Some tasks seem more important than they actually are, and may end up taking much longer than you expect. When planning a task, consider how long it will really take and whether or not there is a faster way to get it done. Also, be realistic about your skills and abilities when deadline with them.

21. Unplug from work. Set a time when you will stop working and turn off your work phone, computer, and any devices you use to complete your tasks. Working past your work hours may lead to fatigue and stress, affecting the way you approach the other tasks at hand.

Following the methods listed above can set you up for a productive day.

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